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Department of Governance Peace and Security Studies Programme

The Department of Governance, Peace and Security Studies (GPSS) currently offers two programs in Security Studies namely; Diploma in Security Studies (2 years), and Bachelor of Arts in Security Studies (2 years). Graduates of these programs are equipped with professional knowledge in transferable skills in security sector management in order to enable them to handle emerging challenges in the security sector with regard to public safety and security, national security management, conflict prevention and resolution, counter-terrorism, diplomacy and international relations, intellectual property rights, security sector reforms, among others. The programs target middle and senior management from Police, Defence, National Intelligence Services, Immigration, Correctional Services, Anti-Corruption Bureau, Fiscal Management Services, Media, Judiciary and civil society organisations working in the field of peace and security.
These programs have been designed as full-time programs, hence you will have to plan to take some time away from your duty station to study at Mzuzu University. Plans are underway to introduce more flexible delivery modes of the programs, and this will be made know to all our stakeholders once everything is in place.

Programmes of Study

Department of Governance, Peace and Security Studies continues to offer the upgrading programs as follows:
1. Diploma in Security Studies
2. Bachelor of Arts degree in Security Studies.
The department also has three new programs that have been recently approved by senate namely:
1. Bachelor of Arts in International Relations and Diplomacy.
2. Bachelor of Arts in Development Studies
3. Bachelor of Arts in Politics and Governance

Executive Programmes

The department periodically runs the following programmes:
1, Civil Military Relations course
2. Parliamentary Oversight course
3. Security Sector Governance Course
The department has trained about 200 officers in executive courses..

Partners and Afilliations

– Southern African Defence and Security Management (SADSEM) network
– Cranfield University
– Africa Centre for Strategic Studies

Programmes’ Entry Requirements

Diploma in Security Studies

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Degree in Security Studies

1. Applicants must be serving persons in the Security Sector and must possess a Mzuzu University Diploma in Security Studies or its equivalent, obtained from a recognised institution with a credit or a strong pass.
2, Applicants with degrees obtained from recognised institutions will also be considered.
Students will be required to submit a research project in any area of Defence and Security, as part of the requirements for the award of a degree in security studies.

For more information contact:

The Head of Department
Department of Peace, Governance and Security Studies
P/Bag 201
Mzuzu 2

email: securitystudies@mzuni.ac.mw

Tel: +265 1 930 317, +265 1 930 399