The proliferation of information and communication technologies has brought many benefits to businesses and organisations. Harnessing emerging ICTs in businesses and organisations has potential to create a competitive advantage. However, lack of skills to effectively use of ICTs in marketing and promotion of business activities affects achievement of organisational goals. Mzuzu University has therefore, organised a multimedia for marketing and promotion of products and services workshop to equip participants with practical skills to effectively market products and services.
Target group
The workshop is for marketing professionals, public relations officers, ICT officers and information professionals working for commercial banks, telecommunication companies, parastatal organizations, media houses, advertising agencies, private companies, public sector organizations, information centres and libraries.
 Integrated marketing and communication concepts
 Basics of online marketing and analytics
 Creating a story board for advertising
 Introduction to typography
 Audio, video and still imagery for promoting products and services
 Photo editing and enhancement
 Creating web banners
 Graphic designing for web content
 Archiving multimedia content in the cloud
Dates for the Training : 26th– 30th April, 2021 (5 days)
Venue : Mzuzu University, Mzuzu
Mode of Delivery : The training integrates theory and practice.
Fees: Participation fee for the workshop is MWK300, 000 per participant. This will cover cost of training materials, morning and afternoon refreshments, and lunch. Other expenses such as transport, meals and accommodation will be borne by the participants themselves. Fees should be deposited before commencement of the workshop into the following account:
Name of Account : Mzuzu University Library Account
Account Number : 18634929
Name of Bank : NBS Bank
Branch : Mzuzu Branch
Please confirm your participation by 20th April, 2021 by sending your personal details plus deposit slip to Lomosi Joseph Chinyumba through email: or call 0888551461/0999128181 or to Hamis Abdullah through email: or call 0997355560/0881780760.
COVID-19 precautionary measures will strictly be followed; therefore, participants are informed to bring their own facemasks and sanitisers to curb the spread of the virus during the workshop.

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