Mzuzu University Anthem Composition Competition

1. Background 

Mzuzu University was established as a public institution of higher learning in 1997 in keeping with Chapter 30:09 of the Laws of Malawi. The University is a dual mode university, offering both Face to Face (F2F) and Open, Distance and e-Learning (ODeL) programmes.

The University’s vision is “to become a premier provider of tertiary education, research, and outreach in Malawi and the World.” Its mission is to “provide high quality education, training, research, and complementary services in Malawi and the World through pursuit of outstanding achievements in learning, discovery and community engagement.”

The Mzuzu University Council approved the new Strategic Plan (2021 – 2030) titled: Unlocking the Full Potential of MZUNI – Towards a More Credible, Competitive and Responsive University in the 21st Century,which reflects the growing commitment of the University in improving human capital development through the five pillars: Improving students’ experience; Business and investment; Research, innovation and development; Internationalisation and cooperation; and Governance and management, aimed at efficient and effective delivery of quality goods and services.  

The new Strategic Plan draws on several policy initiatives, including the Malawi 2063, the MW2063 First 10-year Implementation Plan (MIP-1 2030), the 2020-2030 National Education Sector Investment Plan (NESIP), the National Education Sector Plan, the Constitution of the Republic of Malawi, the Malawi Public Sector Reforms, the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), and the African Union Agenda 2063. 

The Strategic Plan is progressively designed to shift the core business of the University from knowledge transfer towards more skills development that prepares students for professional careers and self-employment in the 21st Century. 

It is in this context that the Mzuzu University Council approved the development of an anthem to reflect the new strategic direction that the University is taking from 2021 to 2030. 

  • Objectives of the competition

The anthem should achieve the following objectives:

  • Amplify the core values of the University. These are excellence, diversity, dependability, responsiveness, academic freedom and integrity; 
    • Celebrate Mzuzu University’s growth and new strategic vision by 2030; and
    • Celebrate innovations, achievements and successes of Mzuzu University Alumni in the development of Malawi and the World. 
  • Characteristics of the theme song 

The theme song should have the following characteristics:

  • It should be composed in English or Chichewa;
    • It should use simple mnemonic language;  • It should be a maximum of three stanzas long; and • It should be original, unique and appealing. 
  • Format and style of compositions 

Songs can be composed and presented in staff notation or audio-recorded on CD/flash disks.

  • Rules of the competition 
    • Composers should be Students, Alumni or Members of Staff of Mzuzu University;
    • The winners of the competition will forfeit the copyright of their song to Mzuzu University; and
    • Entries must never be recorded, performed, played or shared for any other purpose through any means before the announcement of the winners.  
  • Prizes 

The top three entries will receive the following prizes:

1st Prize       –        K500,000 

2nd Prize  –  K350,000  3rd Prize  –  K150,000 

  • Selection Process 

The winners will be selected by a committee of experts constituted by the University.

  • Submission 
    • The entries should be submitted in a CD or Flash Disk.
    • The submissions should include personal details such as name, telephone numbers, e-mail account, postal and physical addresses of the composer.
    • A copy of identification of the composer or leader of the group should accompany the submission.
    • The deadline for submission is Friday, 13th January, 2023. 
    • All entries should be submitted in a sealed envelope and should be addressed as follows:

Mzuzu University Anthem Competition 

University Registrar

Private Bag 201


Mzuzu 2 Malawi.

All inquiries and further information should be sent to  or  Dated: 1st December, 2022. 

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