a) Preamble    

Mzuzu University wishes to invite you to participate in the First National Research Dissemination Conference. The theme of the conference is: Research and Innovation: A Catalyst for Social, Cultural and Economic Transformation. This theme recognises the importance of research, science, technology, and innovation in the realisation of Malawi 2063. The University further seeks to generate research outputs which can be used by policy makers to formulate evidence-based policies to ultimately transform Malawi into an inclusively wealthy and self-reliant nation.    

It is against this background that Mzuzu University is calling upon scholars and researchers to submit abstracts based on completed or ongoing research for presentation at the dissemination conference.   

b) Conference Sub-themes   

We invite researchers from Malawi and beyond to submit papers in the form of original full research papers, research-in progress papers, posters or lightening talks (short 5-minute presentations) that have not previously been presented elsewhere and make original contributions to the theme of the conference. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following broad areas:     

  i.  Science, Technology and Innovation    

  • New advances in pure and applied mathematics   
  • Promoting renewable energy technologies   
  • ICT, Data Science and new innovations   
  • Biological sciences   
  • Chemistry and its applications   
  • Physics and its applications   

  ii.  Environmental Sciences    

  • Agrisciences   
  • Urban and Regional Planning   
  • Estate Management   
  • Fisheries and Aquaculture   
  • Forestry   
  • Environmental Management   
  • Geosciences   
  • Water, Sanitation and Hygiene   
  • Waste Management and Recycling   
  • Climate Change, Adaptation and Mitigation   

  iii.  Humanities and Social Sciences   

  • The role of linguistics, literature and creative arts in national development   
  • History, Heritage and Economic Development in Malawi   
  • Security and Public Sector Governance    
  • Religion and Environmental Conservation   
  • Information services for development   
  • Communication for Sustainability   

  iv.  Health Sciences    

  • Innovative approaches and interventions to strengthen health delivery   
  • Healthcare access, delivery and outcomes   
  • Heath technology and digital transformation   
  • Maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health   
  • Communicable and non-communicable diseases   
  • Biomedical and Health Informatics   

  v.  Tourism, Hospitality and Management    

  • Sustainable tourism   
  • Tourism planning and development   
  • Cultural heritage tourism   
  • Transport and aviation   
  • Service quality and management in the hospitality industry   
  • Entrepreneurship    
  • Sports management   

  vi.  Open, Distance and eLearning    

  • eLearning   
  • Student support   
  • Self-learning materials   
  • Copyright   
  • Open Educational Resources   

  vii.  Education    

  • Education and Development   
  • Education, Society and Culture   
  • Critical Thinking and Reasoning Education   
  • Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Education   
  • Language Education    
  • Inclusive and/or Special Needs Education    

c) Format of abstracts    

 An abstract with a maximum of 350 words in length must consist of:     

i. Purpose    

ii. Methodology/approach   

iii. Findings    

iv. Conclusion and recommendations   

v. Originality/value of contribution    

vi. Keywords of between 4 and 5    

vii. Paper type (e.g., research paper, literature review, case study, conceptual paper, etc.).     

viii. The title page which should include the title of paper followed by name(s), qualification, affiliation(s) and the e-mail of the author(s).    

A template for submitting abstracts  can  be  downloaded  from Mzuzu University website at  www.mzuni.ac.mw    

d)  Procedure for submitting abstracts   

All abstracts should be submitted through the following email: conference.2023@mzuni.ac.mw. Authors must indicate the subtheme in the email subject heading.    

e) Conference proceedings    

Accepted papers will undergo blind peer-review, and will be published as conference proceedings with a reputable publisher.     

f) Important dates    

  • Deadline for the submission of abstracts: 22nd March, 2024.   
  • Communication of decisions: 12th April, 2024.   
  • Deadline for submission of PowerPoint Presentations: 10th May, 2024.   
  • Conference dates: 5th – 6th June, 2024.    

g) Conference Fees and Registration    

Conference fees, which will cover conference materials, teas and luncheons, are as follows:    

  • Malawian based presenters: K100,000   
  • Malawian based students: MK60,000   
  • International presenters: $100   

h) Payments   

Payments should be made to the following bank account:    

Bank   :National Bank of Malawi, Mzuzu Branch, P.O. Box 20, Mzuzu.  Account Name :MZUNIREC, Mzuzu University, Private Bag 201,           Luwinga, Mzuzu 2, Malawi.   

Account No.   :1007578888   

i) Venue    

The conference will be held at the Mzuzu University Centre for Open, Distance and eLearning (CODeL) Complex.  

j) Travel and Visa Requirements    

It is expected that participants should make their own travel arrangements. However, SADC residents do not require entry VISA to travel to Malawi. Those requiring visas to enter Malawi should visit the following website:  https://evisa.gov.mw/.  The Conference Organising Committee will facilitate with the issuance of letters to confirm the hosting of the conference.    

k) Accommodation    

The costs for travel, accommodation and incidentals are the responsibility of the participants. Participants are expected to make their own accommodation arrangements.    

For more information, please contact the following:   

  • Chair, Main Organising Committee, Dr Aubrey Chaputula – +265  888 328 671, Email: chaputula.a@mzuni.ac.mw    

For more details about the Conference, visit www.mzuni.ac.mw  

NOTE: All those who submitted their abstracts during the first call should not submit again.  


Names of author(s) and email addresses 
Title of paper 
Paper type (research paper, review, case study, conceptual paper, etc.) 
Abstract(not more than 350 words)Purpose: Methodology/approach:  Findings:  Discussion: Recommendations: Conclusion: Originality/value of contribution: Keywords:    

Note.  A template for full papers will be shared once the abstract has been accepted.

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