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Department of Biological Sciences.


Biological Sciences Department is one of the departments under the Faculty of Science, Technology and Innovation (FoSTI) at Mzuzu University. It was first established in 1999 as a Biology Section under the Department of Basic Sciences in the Faculty of Education. It started offering courses in January 2000. The Biology Section was reconstituted into a stand-alone Biological Sciences Department in 2003.  Its mandate then was to offer courses in Biology content and methodology to pre-service secondary school teachers.  The Department also participated in in-service courses for serving secondary school Biology Teachers and conducted research in Biological Sciences, Biology teaching/learning and related disciplines.  After University –wide restructuring of 2017 the department relocated to the newly formed Faculty of Science, Technology and Innovation.

The department is endowed with a team of well-trained and dedicated staff to deliver adaptive curricula to learners that consist of courses blended with entrepreneurial thrusts in order to prepare learners for future careers and engagements. Currently, the department is offering two unique five year undergraduate programs; BSc in Parasitology and Disease Vector Control (Honours) and BSc in Biodiversity Conservation and Management (Honours). In addition it continues to service many science based undergraduate degree programmes in other faculties such as the Faculty of Education (Bachelor of Education (Sciences)), Faculty of Environmental Sciences, and Faculty of Health Sciences in diverse Biological Sciences courses.  Development of curricula for several Postgraduate degree Programmes are at an advanced stage

Programmes Brief

Qubely blocks is added to the Gutenberg editor aThe Biological Sciences Department currently offers two programs in Biological Sciences field namely; BSc in Biodiversity Conservation and Management (BBCM) (Honours)   and BSc in Parasitology and Disease Vector Control (BPDVC) (Hounors).  The BBCM programme aims at providing students with broad–based knowledge, scientific tools, skills and expertise in biodiversity, conservation and management. The Programme enables students to develop knowledge and skills in biodiversity and environmental assessment, monitoring, evaluation, conservation, management, inventorying and sustainable utilization of the country’s biological resources.


A premiere provider of high quality education and training, adaptive research and outreach in biological sciences in Malawi and the world that will advance and safeguard human health and the integrity of biological diversity, including plants, animals and microorganisms.


To provide high quality education and training across all biological sciences fields, train learners in practical skills, innovation, problem solving, carrying out competitive and adaptive research and building communities capacity to understand, protect and sustainably use biological resources and provide health related solutions through outreaches.


Objectivity, Innovation, Integrity, Excellence, Diligence, Team work