The relevance of Mzuzu University Centre for Inclusive Education (MUCIE)
Cognizant of the challenges facing educators today in Malawi, the Centre for Inclusive Education offers opportunities for collaborative, interdisciplinary research projects, strengthening teacher education programs and curricula and enhancing pathways for the possibility of community partnerships and outreach.  MUCIE is deliberately planned to engage in teaching, research and programming that aims to address the multiple elements of inclusion (Ex. reduced disparities, access, human rights, valued contribution, empowerment) and elements of exclusion (Ex. poverty, inequality, discrimination, barriers to access, and disability) that contribute to inequity/equity (Department of Health, N.S., Canada, 2003) in Malawian society and the wider world.

Mzuzu University’s mission statement emphasizes programming that is responsive to community needs. As such; the Centre for Inclusive Education is rightly placed to provide concentrated efforts that address the challenges faced by learners with diverse learning needs.  The collaborative research centre model offers creative opportunities for implementing innovations that engage multiple partners and communities to realize Mzuzu University’s mission. 

Our Vision
The vision of MUCIE is to be the leading centre of excellence in the area of inclusive education through transdisciplinary implementation of innovations and best practices, research, training, and community outreach.    

Our Mission
To provide high quality education, training, research and complementary services that translate to increased participation and achievement of learners with diverse learning needs in Malawi and the African continent.

 Activities of the Centre
The main activities of Mzuzu University Centre for Inclusive Education include the following:

  • Undertaking research and building a better understanding of the existing best practices as well as the constraints which prevent sustainable education and achievement of learners with diverse needs in the context of developing countries like Malawi. 
  • Applying the research findings to develop sustainable inclusive education practices within the Malawian context.
  • Building networks with other training institutions, Government bodies, NGOs, donors and other partner institutions locally and internationally operating in special and inclusive education.
  • Conducting generic and tailor-made training programmes in special and inclusive education for capacity building for teachers, schools, communities and organisations.

Our Objectives
The Centre for Inclusive Education specifically seeks to:

  1. promote inclusive education by working towards increased participation of learners with diverse needs at all levels of education in Malawi,
  2. facilitate collaborations with international, local and community partners on projects that serve to increase the quality of education for learners diverse needs, and
  3. improve teacher education curriculum and practice in the area of Inclusive Education and culturally responsive pedagogy.