Local Partners

Mzuzu University Centre for Excellence in Water and Sanitation (WATSAN)
The Inclusive Centre has supported WATSAN in implementing an Inclusive Sanitation Research Project in Rumphi District, and offering expertise on disability and access to latrines for persons with diverse needs. 

The CCAP Synod of Livingstonia Synod Education Commission (Department of Special Needs Education)
In July 2015, the Inclusive Centre conducted a workshop with local teacher on to main topics:

  • Teaching Social skills to learners with disabilities
  • Creating Supportive Learning Environments for Learners with Albinism and diverse learning needs.

International Partnerships
The Centre for Inclusive Education has a close partnership with the following:

International Association of Special Education
Books and information resources in the centre were donated by IASE through its Volunteer Service Project (VSP).  Through the VSP’s Giving Fund, the Centre for Inclusive Education benefited 16,000 US Dollars to help in the establishment of the centre.  Additionally, through IASE, other international partnerships with the Centre have developed:
Duquesne University, USA
Special Education
Contact person, Dr. Morgan Chitiyo

Acadia University, Canada
Inclusive EducationContact person, Dr. Lynn Aylward