Faculty of Environmental Sciences
Environmental degradation has been coined the third crisis after the economic crisis and the HIV/AIDS pandemic. The rationale behind establishing this faculty was a strategic decision by government to have a unique institution capable of producing high quality graduates in environmental sciences that would spearhead turning technological knowledge and experience into production, business operations and investments in the spheres of environmental sciences.
The goal of the Faculty is “to produce high quality graduates equipped with relevant scientific and technical knowledge, values and skills that would effectively contribute to sustainable management of natural resources and biodiversity conservation programmes for the improvement of human well-being”.
The Faculty has currently the following Departments:
Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
Forestry and Environmental Management
Built Environment
Water and Sanitation
Geo Sciences

Faculty Administration
The faculty is managed by the dean and deputy dean of faculty together with heads of departments.
Dean of Faculty
Mr Isaac Matidza
Deputy Dean
Mr Bob Israel Jere
Heads of Departments
Head, Department of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
Dr. Elias Chirwa
Head, Department of Forestry and Environmental Management
Assoc. Prof. Jarret Mhango
Head, Department of Geo Sciences
Mr. James Kushe
Head, Department of Built Environment
Assoc. Prof Mtafu A Z Manda
Head, Department of Agri-Sciences
Dr. Frank Mnthambala
Head, Department of Water and Sanitation
Dr. Brighton Chunga